Friday Board Review

Board Review with Dr. Edward Guo

A professional football player has a helmet-to-helmet collision with an opposing player. He falls to the ground and has a one minute episode during which he is posturing with his upper extremities flexed and lower extremities extended. His eyes are open and blinking. Teammates gather around him and he is muttering “chicken nuggets, chicken nuggets”. What is his Glasgow Coma Scale score during this time?

A: 8

B: 9

C: 10

D: 11

Answer: 10 (E4 V3 M3)

Eye OpeningVerbal ResponseBest Motor Response
1 – None1 – None1 – None
2 – To pain2 – Incomprehensible sounds2 – Extensor or decerebrate posture
3 – To sound3 – Inappropriate words3 – Flexor or decorticate posture
4 – Spontaneous4 – Confused but answers questions4 – Withdraws from pain
5 – Oriented 5 – Localizes pain (crosses midline)
6 – Obeys commands


Teasdale G, Jennett B. Assessment of coma and impaired consciousness. A practical scale. Lancet. 1974;2(7872):81-84. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(74)91639-0

Cameron P.A., & Knapp B.J., & Teeter W (2020). Trauma in adults. Tintinalli J.E., & Ma O, & Yealy D.M., & Meckler G.D., & Stapczynski J, & Cline D.M., & Thomas S.H.(Eds.), Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 9e. McGraw Hill.

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