Wednesday Image Review

What is the diagnosis? By Dr. Westlake

65 year old M presents with significant swelling, discoloration and pain to the right scrotum and penis after inguinal hernia repair 2 days prior. On exam, patient with ecchymosis and erythema of the right testicle and shaft of the penis. There is significant swelling in the inguinal canal, which is not compressible or reducible. You take the ultrasound to bedside to see: 

What is the diagnosis? 

Answer: Scrotal hematoma 

Differentials for this patient include hematoma, hydrocele, scrotal abscess or infection, failure of mesh causing strangulated or incarcerated hernia.

On imaging, you see mixed echogenic fluid collection with no vascular flow noted. This extends from the right groin into the scrotum, with hypoechogenic fluid tracking around bilateral testicles. This is consistent with a scrotal hematoma. There is no bowel noted, ruling out strangulated or incarcerated hernia. There is no “swirl” sign which would be more consistent with scrotal abscess/infection. The mixed echogenic fluid is most consistent with hematoma rather than hydrocele. 

Pearls for the bedside scrotal ultrasound: 

  • Use the linear probe
  • Place the patient supine, place a towel under the scrotum and drape the patient appropriately
  • Obtain imaging of the unaffected side first for landmarks and comparison
  • Compare to the affected side, noting echogenicity and landmarks
  • Visualize both testicles in the same view 
  • Can utilize doppler to assess for flow in concerns for torsion 


CT and radiology ultrasound imaging from case are below: 

Wednesday Image Review

What is the diagnosis? By Dr. Cevallos

A 38 year old male presents to the ED with a chief complaint of right wrist pain that began after a fall off a motorcycle the day prior. On exam, the patient is noted to have tenderness along his right distal radius, snuffbox tenderness, wrist swelling, and is unable to flex/extend the wrist. Normal pulses and sensation is present.

Wrist X-rays demonstrate the following:

What is the diagnosis?

Perilunate dislocation, scaphoid fracture, radial styloid fracture

Perilunate Dislocation:

  • Occur due to a high energy traumatic injury
  • Multiple wrist ligaments are injured with resultant dislocation of the capitate dorsally
  • Often associated with fractures of the radius, ulnar, or carpal bones
  • Imaging:
    • Lunate stays in place, dislocated bone is actually the capitate!
    • AP/PA XR may demonstrate “piece-of-pie” sign: triangular appearance of the lunate (yellow arrow)
    • Lateral XR: Proximal and dorsal displacement of the capitate (yellow arrow) with volar displacement of the lunate (green arrow).
      • The lunate remains articulated with the radius differentiating it from a lunate dislocation (lunate dislocation would have a “spilled-teacup” sign)
  • Management:
    • Emergent closed reduction is indicated to minimize complications such as: median nerve injury, cartilage damage, wrist function issues
    • Sugar-tong splint
    • Urgent orthopedic follow-up as most will require surgical fixation


Cheffers M. Wrist Reduction Techniques. In: Johnson W, Nordt S, Mattu A and Swadron S, eds. CorePendium. Burbank, CA: CorePendium, LLC. Updated December 21, 2022. Accessed August 15, 2024.

Mark Karadsheh. “Lunate Dislocation (Perilunate Dissociation).” Orthobullets, 5 Nov. 2022, “Solution to Unknown Case #30 – Perilunate Dislocation.” RADIOLOGYPICS.COM, 6 Jan. 2014,

Wednesday Image Review

What is the Diagnosis? By Dr. Allison Cash

Case: 38 y/o female with a history of bilateral renal stones and recent lithotripsy for renal stone who presented with left flank pain and nausea. Symptoms were consistent with previous renal colic symptoms. Following lithotripsy, the patient had resolution of symptoms before flank pain and nausea returned 3 days ago. Vitals BP 142/97, Pulse 93, Temp 98.1 °F (36.7 °C) (Oral), Resp 18, SpO2 99%. The physical exam demonstrated left sided abdominal tenderness and left CVA tenderness. Bedside ultrasound findings below.

Answer: Ureteral stone at the left UPJ with mild-moderate left hydronephrosis

Ultrasound findings in nephrolithiasis

Hyperechoic foci with posterior acoustic shadowing

  • Location of stone can help predict the probability of spontaneous passage of the stone. Stones in the distal ureter or UPJ are more likely to pass.
  • Size of stone can help predict the probability of spontaneous passage as well


  • Greater degree of hydronephrosis reflects more obstruction of ureter and may indicate need for further imaging or procedural intervention

Twinkle Sign

  • Intense alternating color signal behind calcifications and stones.
  •  Highly suggestive of a kidney stone (sensitivity 99.12%, specificity 90.91%, PPV 99.12%, NPV 90.91%)

Ureteral jets

  • Representing maintained ureteral flow with color Doppler
  • Some studies suggest it can predict spontaneous passage of distal ureteral stones


Ultrasound can be used first-line for imaging to assess for renal stones, though may require follow-up imaging

Ultrasound may prevent repeated radiation exposure with CT in patients with known renal stones

Bedside US can allow for rapid diagnosis and treatment as well as faster discharge when assessing for renal stones


1. Coursey CA, Casalino DD, Remer EM, Arellano RS, Bishoff JT, Dighe M, et al. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® acute onset flank pain–suspicion of stone disease. Ultrasound Q. 2012 Sep. 28 (3):227-33

2. Dillman JR, Kappil M, Weadock WJ, Rubin JM, Platt JF, DiPietro MA, Bude RO. Sonographic twinkling artifact for renal calculus detection: correlation with CT. Radiology. 2011 Jun;259(3):911-6. doi: 10.1148/radiol.11102128. Epub 2011 Apr 1. PMID: 21460031.

4. Gliga, M. L., Chirila, C. N., Podeanu, D. M., Imola, T., Voicu, S. L., Gliga, M. G., & Gliga, P. M. (2017). Twinkle, twinkle little stone: an artifact improves the ultrasound performance! Medical Ultrasonography, 19(3), 272-275.

3. Ongun S, Teken A, Yılmaz O, Süleyman S. Can Ureteral Jet Flow Measurement Predict Spontaneous Passage of Distal Ureteral Stones? Urol Int. 2018;101(2):156-160. doi: 10.1159/000490498. Epub 2018 Jun 27. PMID: 29949810.

4. Wong C, Teitge B, Ross M, Young P, Robertson HL, Lang E. The Accuracy and Prognostic Value of Point-of-care Ultrasound for Nephrolithiasis in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Acad Emerg Med. 2018 Jun;25(6):684-698. doi: 10.1111/acem.13388. Epub 2018 Mar 25. PMID: 29427476.

5. Brisbane W, Bailey MR, Sorensen MD. An overview of kidney stone imaging techniques. Nat Rev Urol. 2016 Nov;13(11):654-662. doi: 10.1038/nrurol.2016.154. Epub 2016 Aug 31. PMID: 27578040; PMCID: PMC5443345.

Wednesday Image Review

What’s the Diagnosis? By Dr. Vincent Li

30 year old female is brought by EMS from an outpatient surgery center for evaluation of persistent hypotension and vaginal bleeding after an elective abortion and D&E at approximately 20 weeks gestation. Initial vitals on arrival were T 98.6 F, HR 99, BP 62/palp, RR 21, O2 100%. On exam, patient was pale and lethargic but mentation intact. There is scant vaginal bleeding on pelvic exam. A bedside FAST is performed and shown below. What is the interpretation of the FAST, and which views demonstrate free fluid if present?

Answer: Free Fluid in RUQ, LUQ, and Pelvis

The patient received 2 units of uncrossed pRBCs in addition to 1g TXA IV and was taken emergently to the OR with OBGYN for exploratory laparotomy. She was found to have 1500 ccs of hemoperitoneum from an actively bleeding R uterine artery laceration. She did well post-op and was discharged a few days later!

Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma

  • High sensitivity and specificity for detecting intra-abdominal free fluid in hypotensive trauma patients.
  • Four views: RUQ, LUQ, cardiac, and suprapubic
  • Where you’ll find free fluid:
    • RUQ: 1. Subdiaphragmatic space, 2. Hepatorenal space (Morrison’s pouch), and 3. Caudal edge of the liver
      • Most sensitive area for intra-abdominal free fluid is the RUQ – more specifically, the caudal edge of the liver (contiguous with right paracolic gutter)
    • LUQ: 1. Subdiaphragmatic space, 2. Splenorenal space, and 3. Inferior pole of the left kidney
    • Cardiac: 1. pericardial effusion
    • Pelvis: 1. Between the bladder and uterus (in females), 2. Posterior to the uterus (in females), and 3. Posterolateral to the bladder
      • Fluid in the pelvis will first accumulate in the rectouterine pouch of Douglas in females, and the posterior bladder margin in males. Prostate may be confused with free fluid but is generally more hyperechoic and discrete in structure.

Key learning point for this case: clotted blood is more hyperechoic and can start to resemble tissue or other structures. Easy to miss if not looking closely.


  1. Lobo V, Hunter-Behrend M, Cullnan E, Higbee R, Phillips C, Williams S, Perera P, Gharahbaghian L. Caudal Edge of the Liver in the Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ) View Is the Most Sensitive Area for Free Fluid on the FAST Exam. West J Emerg Med. 2017 Feb;18(2):270-280. doi: 10.5811/westjem.2016.11.30435. Epub 2017 Jan 19. PMID: 28210364; PMCID: PMC5305137.
  2. Ultrasound Guidelines: Emergency, Point-of-Care and Clinical Ultrasound Guidelines in Medicine. Ann Emerg Med ​​. 2017 May;69(5):e27-e54. Doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.08.457.
  3. “Fundamentals.” Core Ultrasound Courses, Accessed 2 May 2024.
Wednesday Image Review

What’s the Diagnosis? By Dr. Chris Smith

A 31 yo male presents with left thumb pain after a dirt bike crash.  Patient is unable to move his left thumb and has tenderness at the base. An x-ray is shown below.  What’s the diagnosis?

Answer: Type I first metacarpal fracture (Bennett fracture)

  • Most commonly occurs in young males from forceful axial load against a fixed object (sports, bicycle accident, punching), presents with pain and swelling at thenar eminence, decreased range of motion at MCP/CMC joints
  • Diagnosis of first metacarpal fractures usually made by plain radiograph
  • Management with reduction (may be accomplished with longitudinal traction, abduction and extension of first MC), thumb spica splint, and prompt orthopedic follow up.  May require percutaneous pin fixation or open reduction and internal fixation.

Classification of first metacarpal base fractures

  1. Type I, Bennett fracture: intra-articular fracture-dislocation/subluxation at the CMC joint
  2. Type II, Rolando fracture: a comminuted Bennett fracture
  3. Type III, (no eponym): extra articular fracture
  4. Type IV, (no eponym): extra-articular pediatric fracture involving the proximal physis


Stapczynski, J. Stephan,, and Judith E. Tintinalli. Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. 7th ed. New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Education LLC., 2011.

Wednesday Image Review

What’s the Diagnosis? By Dr. Julie Calabrese

75 y/o M PMHx of ESRD on HD, pulmonary HTN, HLD presents to the ED with 1 week of progressive fatigue and SOB. Pt on 2L NC home O2 but requiring 4L NC in the ED to maintain saturation > 95%. On exam, pt with increased WOB and RR > 20. Lungs are CTA. Cardiac exam shows RRR with mild JVD, abdominal distention and +1 pitting edema B/L. POCUS was performed and is shown below. What is the diagnosis? 

Answer: Right Heart Strain from Pulmonary Hypertension 

  • Signs in POCUS that are indicative of R heart strain:
    • D-sign: septal flattening seen in the parasternal short orientation that is indicative of increased RV pressures 
    • McConnel’s Sign: seen in the apical 4 chamber view. R ventricular free wall akinesis with sparing of the apex (apical hyperkinesis) 
    • Increased RV:LV ratio, typically should be ⅓:⅔ 
    • Decreased TAPSE: measurement of the vertical motion of the tricuspid valve in the apical 4 chamber view (normal > 16 mm)
  • Causes of R- Heart Strain:
    • Pulmonary Embolism
    • Pulmonary hypertension 
    • Biventricular failure
    • R sided heart failure 
    • Valvular dysfunction (Acute TR) 
  • Pulmonary Hypertension:
    • Type 1: primary arterial pulmonary HTN 
    • Type 2: PH due to L heart failure
    • Type 3: PH due to lung disease 
    • Type 4: PH due to chronic thromboembolic disease 
    • Type 5: idiopathic PH 
  • Acute Treatment for PH includes
    • Optimize RV preload- patients typically euvolemic or hypervolemic and do not respond well to rapid shifts in fluid status (usually avoid fluids). If hypovolemia/sepsis consider small 250 ml boluses with frequent reassessments 
    • Improve cardiac output: consider early ionotropes 
    • Reduce RV afterload: avoid hypoxia, acidosis, hypercapnia 
    • Treat arrhythmias: most common is SVT followed by afib/flutter 


Wednesday Image Review

What’s the Diagnosis? By Dr. Carlos Cevallos

A 39 y.o. woman who is G9P1 and currently 6 weeks pregnant presents to the ED with a chief complaint of vaginal bleeding that began in the morning with associated lower abdominal pain and lightheadedness. Physical exam demonstrates lower abdominal tenderness without peritonitis and a small amount of blood in the posterior vaginal fossa with a closed cervical os. You obtain a serum HCG which is 8,960 and perform a transvaginal ultrasound which demonstrates the following. What’s the diagnosis?

Answer: Ectopic Pregnancy

  • When performing a pelvic US in the ED, the focused question is: “Is there an intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) or not?”
  • To diagnose an IUP, one must visualize a gestational sac AND either a yolk sac or fetal pole within the uterus.
  • In this patient, no gestational sac nor yolk sac are visualized within the uterus.
  • The left adnexa demonstrates a tubal ring concerning for an ectopic pregnancy. OBGYN was consulted who took the patient Level 1 to the OR where the ectopic pregnancy was confirmed and removed along with a left salpingectomy.


Heaton, Heather. “Chapter 98: Ectopic Pregnancy and Emergencies in the First 20 Weeks of Pregnancy.” Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine A Comprehensive Study GUide, 9th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2020, pp. 615–623.

Pontius E. Ectopic Pregnancy & Heterotopic Pregnancy. In: Johnson W, Nordt S, Mattu A and Swadron S, eds. CorePendium. Burbank, CA: CorePendium, LLC. Updated February 2, 2024. Accessed April 17, 2024.

Wednesday Image Review

What’s the Diagnosis? By Dr. Erica Schramm

25 year-old female presents following a fall from her horse 5 days ago. She complains of severe pain in the radial aspect of her right wrist and has no other injuries.  Plain films at an outside ED immediately following the injury were negative, and repeat plain films are shown here. What’s the diagnosis?

Answer: Non-displaced Scaphoid Waist Fracture

  • The most common carpal bone fracture (60-70% of all carpal fractures). 10-30% of scaphoid fractures are not detected on the first set of plain films, but “scaphoid view” plain films (i.e., AP wrist with ulnar deviation) can improve the view of the scaphoid.
  • If a scaphoid fracture is clinically suspected, the patient should be placed in a thumb spica splint and follow up in 7-10 days for repeat plain films and reexamination
  • The most feared complication of a scaphoid fracture is avascular necrosis (AVN) of the proximal fracture segment. AVN is more likely in unstable scaphoid fractures, for example those that are proximal, oblique, displaced >1 mm, rotated, or comminuted. These require surgical consult and long arm thumb spica splint.
  • Stable fractures can be splinted with a short arm thumb spica splint and patients should be instructed to follow up with orthopedics in 7-10 days


Escarza, Robert et al. “Chapter 266. Wrist Injuries.” Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine a Comprehensive Study Guide, 7e.  Eds, Judith E. Tintinalli, et al.  New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2011.

DeAngelis, Michael A and David A Wald. “Wrist.” Simon’s Emergency Orthopedics, 7e.  Ed. Scott C Sherman.  New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2014

Jordanov, Martin I and Robert Warne Fitch. “Chapter 9 Upper Extremity.” The Atlas of Emergency Radiology. Eds. Jake Block et al.  New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2013

Wednesday Image Review

What’s the Diagnosis? By Dr. Edward Guo

A 20 year old male presents to the emergency department via EMS for left knee pain. He was playing basketball when he jumped and felt a “pop” in his left knee and has been unable to walk on his left leg since. He denies falling. On exam, the left lower extremity is distally neurovascularly intact with normal strength, sensation, and a palpable pulse. There is slight bogginess and swelling with tenderness to palpation to the inferior knee. He is unable to extend at the knee. A point of care ultrasound of the bilateral knees is performed and shown below. What’s the diagnosis?

Answer: Left patellar tendon rupture

  • Commonly occurs from forced quadriceps contraction or falling on a flexed knee.
  • Associated with a high-riding patella also known as patella alta which can be appreciated on physical exam and lateral radiographs of the knee.
  • There is emerging data demonstrating point of care ultrasound as a quick and effective method to diagnose tendon injuries in the emergency department compared to physical exam, x-ray imaging, and MRI.
  • Treatment:
    • Incomplete tears with intact extensor mechanism can be immobilized and followed up outpatient with orthopedics.
    • Complete tears or loss of extensor mechanism should prompt orthopedic consultation in the ED as expedited surgical repair is often indicated.


Bengtzen R. Knee Injuries. In: Tintinalli JE, Ma O, Yealy DM, Meckler GD, Stapczynski J, Cline DM, Thomas SH. eds. Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 9e. McGraw-Hill Education; 2020.

Berg, K., Peck, J., Boulger, C., & Bahner, D. P. (2013). Patellar tendon rupture: an ultrasound case report. BMJ case reports2013, bcr2012008189.

Wu TS, Roque PJ, Green J, et al. Bedside ultrasound evaluation of tendon injuries. Am J Emerg Med. 2012;30(8):1617-1621. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2011.11.004

Wednesday Image Review

What’s the Diagnosis? By Dr. Edward Guo

A 40 year old female presents to the emergency department via EMS for shortness of breath. Prior to arrival to the ED, the patient was hypoxic and in severe respiratory distress with absent left lung sounds prompting needle thoracostomy and rapid sequence intubation by EMS. Vital signs are BP 108/70, HR 102, Temp 98F, RR 16, SpO2 99% on 50% FiO2. A left sided chest tube is placed without complication. Chest x-ray confirms appropriate positioning of the endotracheal tube and chest tube with expansion of the left lung. Four hours later, the ventilator is alarming due to elevated peak and plateau pressures. SpO2 is 90%. There is no change with suctioning. A new chest x-ray is obtained and is shown below. What’s the diagnosis?

Answer: Reexpansion pulmonary edema

  • Reexpansion pulmonary edema is a rare but potentially fatal complication following drainage of a pneumothorax or pleural effusion. The pathophysiology is poorly understood but is thought to involve an inflammatory response leading to increased pulmonary capillary permeability.
  • Risk factors include large size pneumothorax, large volume pleural effusion, rapid reexpansion, and prolonged duration of symptoms (> 72 hours).
    • Prevention includes limiting drainage of pleural effusions to a maximum volume of 1.5 liters in one attempt.
  • Imaging will demonstrate unilateral airspace opacities in portions of the lung that were previously collapsed.
  • Treatment is supportive with supplemental oxygen and observation. Most patients recover without adverse outcomes.


Nicks BA, Manthey DE. Pneumothorax. In: Tintinalli JE, Ma O, Yealy DM, Meckler GD, Stapczynski J, Cline DM, Thomas SH. eds. Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 9e. McGraw-Hill Education; 2020.

Asciak R, Bedawi EO, Bhatnagar R, et al British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on pleural procedures Thorax 2023;78:s43-s68.

Morioka H, Takada K, Matsumoto S, Kojima E, Iwata S, Okachi S. Re-expansion pulmonary edema: evaluation of risk factors in 173 episodes of spontaneous pneumothorax. Respir Investig. 2013;51(1):35-39. doi:10.1016/j.resinv.2012.09.003